Friday, April 3, 2009

April Fools Success!

I was able to claim 9 out of 10 victims.. i have to say that i got my lil brother the worst, i had told him someone had broken his back window early in the morning.. He jumped out of the bed in sheer panic..When he got to the door.."April Fools!" he was pretty mad but he was a good sport about it... TIP: Next April Fools if you really want to get people, do it early in the morning before they notice its April Fools Day...
Luck or God's work?, Well on April 1st. I receive a check for $375 for someone that had hit me in a accident back in October 2007 ,my insurance company was trying to get money off the guy because it was his fault...i though they had closed the investigation but i guess car note was due on the 26th of march, which is for the amount of $375.90, $0.90 cents short of my
full payment... and i want to say thanks for another anonymous donation who ever you are :)

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